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Sunday 24 July 2011

The people I remember

I thought I would list a few names I remember as a child in the seventies. From Church street-The Philips family from the Post office, The Swaislands and Bloomfields from the bungalows oh and Mrs Pellat-can't remember who was in the forth bungalow. Mr and Mrs Saunders from No.1 Church Street, The Knights from No.2 and my family from No.3. Then known as 4,5 & 6 The Griffiths family, then living at The Rectory was reverend Sharpe. Next was Olive and Roger Oxley with Miss Bond and her mother next door. Next were two houses but I can't remember their names-but remember a lady with a white MG sports car with a little girl!

Let's continue into Woodlands-bit sketchy here- at the top was The Inglett family whom I believe still live there, near-by were the Willows family- I was friends with Desmond until they moved up near the North Pole pub and subsequently to the U.S. Remember Mr Watson further down, then i think it was Ron Severn and his wife, the Godfrey's-Zenith was a dinner lady at wateringbury School in the seventies. Finally there was a lady-Godden or something like that who used to chase us off when we came zooming down Woodlands on our bikes!!


  1. Well John I never heard about Pauls visit.I used to live in Woodlands when the houses were first built in 1961, think I must have been a bit older then you so our paths did not cross each other. My mother Joan Severn wrote a book about Teston, I am now in the process of reproducing it for a CD so I am inserting more pictures and maps so I will sell it soon. If anyone has old material I would welcome it.

  2. Hi- spoke to my mum today-she used to be your parents cleaning lady for a while and your dad was called Ron? Could you E-mail me anything from your mum's book for my blog-especially photos?
