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Thursday 17 November 2011

The village green

We were lucky enough to live opposite the village green so used to play there more than our own garden!! There are a lot of memories of the village green as a child. The excitement when the tractor arrived with the numerous cutters on the back to cut the grass-when he had gone we had hours of fun with the cut grass in those long hot summers!! There were little holes in the hedge along the bottom where we could crawl through under the hedge and make hideouts!There was a big rock in the corner by the churchyard railings-covering a hole where you could lift it up to find bugs! There was a telephone wire running across the middle of the green-we used to kick the football over it and get told off!! There was the bench just past the rectory which we used to sit on with the peeling green paint!

There were no goal posts -we used to use rolled up jumpers! No playground equipment-we used to have so much fun though making the most of what was there!! Remember it like it was yesterday!!!

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